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Primary spinal extranodal Hodgkin's disease at two levels

Çağavi, Ferda | Kalaycı, Murat | Tekin, İshak Özel | Numanoğlu, Gamze | Çağavi, Zeynep | Gül, Şener | Açıkgöz, Bektaş

Article | 2006 | Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery108 ( 2 ) , pp.168 - 173

About 90% of Hodgkin's disease cases originate from lymph nodes whereas 10% from extranodal regions. Patients rarely present with spinal cord compression due to epidural Hodgkin's disease. Primary spinal extradural Hodgkin's disease which does not have any other organ involvement in the body is even rarer. A 39-year-old male patient who complained of lumbar pain had normal findings upon neurological examination. Radiological examination revealed a mass on the epidural space at level L3 and the involvement of the vertebral corpus accompanied by the involvement of C6 vertebral body. Primary focus could not be identified despite furthe . . .r investigation. The patient underwent L3 laminectomy and posterior decompression and biopsy was obtained from the lesion extending to epidural space. The pathological result was reported as lymphocyte dominant type Hodgkin's disease. Flow cytometry was performed to the lesion, also. The patient was evaluated as Stage 4A according to Ann Arbor classification. Postoperative radiotherapy was applied to lumbar and cervical region. In the literature we have not come across any case of primary spinal extranodal Hodgkin's disease with involvement at two levels. In conclusion, although it might be extremely rare, primary spinal extranodal Hodgkin's disease with involvement at two levels might be observed. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved Daha fazlası Daha az

Placental chorangiosis: The association with oxidative stress and angiogenesis

Barut A. | Barut F. | Kandemir N.O. | Aktunc E. | Arikan I. | Harma M. | Harma M.I.

Article | 2012 | Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation73 ( 2 ) , pp.141 - 151

Background/Aims: Chorangiosis is considered to be strongly associated with fetal, maternal, and placental disorders, and has been found to be correlated with increased fetal morbidity and mortality. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the association of angiogenesis and oxidative stress with the pathogenesis of chorangiosis. Methods: Expressions of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), which are investigated with avidin-biotin-peroxidase method in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections from placental tissues diagnosed as no chorangiosis (n = . . . 18) and chorangiosis (n = 18), have been evaluated in a semiquantitative manner. Results: There were significant differences between chorangiosis and no chorangiosis cases with respect to birth weight, birth length, and Apgar scores (p < 0.001). Statistically significant (p < 0.001), diffuse and strong expressions with HSP70, VEGF-A and b-FGF were observed in the villous tissue of placental chorangiosis cases when compared with no chorangiosis cases. Conclusion: The majority of the chorangiosis cases had an accompanying poor perinatal outcome, and also those with accompanying angiogenesis and increased oxidative stress demonstrated diffuse and strong expressions of HSP70, VEGF-A and b-FGF. The interaction of maternal, placental, and fetal factors with increased oxidative stress and angiogenesis may possibly contribute to this arising pathologic change. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel Daha fazlası Daha az

Frozen section experience with emphasis on reasons for discordance

Özdamar, Şükrü Oğuz | Bahadır, Burak | Ekem, Tulu Emre | Kertiş, Gürkan | Gün-Doğan, Banu | Numanoğlu, Gamze | Yünten, Zafer | Kuzey-Mocan, Gamze

Article | 2006 | Turkish Journal of Cancer36 ( 4 ) , pp.157 - 161

Intraoperative consultation is a high-risk procedure of pathology departments with important consequences. Therefore, it is critical to determine institutional efficiency of frozen section performance periodically. Frozen section diagnoses of 552 specimens from 401 cases between June 2001 and January 2005 were rewieved and correlated with subsequent histopathological examination, to assess concordant, discordant and deferred diagnoses as well as false negative and false positive rates and to determine reasons for discordance. Each individual specimen from the same case was considered and evaluated as one case. Excluding deferred dia . . .gnosis constituting 4.53% of the cases, accuracy, false negative and false positive rates were consecutively found 97.47%, 2.08%, and 0.57%. Interestingly, a great proportion of false negative cases were found to be associated with papillary carcinoma of thyroid. Gross sampling error and misinterpretation appeared as the leading reasons for frozen section discordance. Considering discordant frozen section diagnoses have a great impact on patient's care, intra and interinstitutional monitoring of frozen section performance may serve as a quality control programme Daha fazlası Daha az

A case of merkel cell carcinoma coexistent with pulmonary small cell carcinoma [Akcigerin küçük hücreli karsinomu ile birlikte olan merkel hücreli karsinom olgusu]

Barut F. | Özdamar S.O. | Dogan Gün B. | Bahadir B. | Bektaş S.

Article | 2011 | Turk Onkoloji Dergisi26 ( 2 ) , pp.76 - 81

Merkel cell carcinoma is an uncommon tumor arising usually on the sun-exposed skin of elderly individuals. A 64-year-old male patient, who undergone total laryngectomy operation seven years ago because of squamous cell carcinoma of larynx and got postoperative radiotherapy applied to the hospital with a subcostal mass. Histopathologic examination of the mass revealed tumoral infltration with cytokeratin-20 expression that forming sheets and solid nests in subcutaneous tissue. The diagnosis was Merkel cell carcinoma. A vegetative tumor located in left main bronchi was observed during synchronously performed bronchoscopy and multiple . . .biopsies were taken. Histopathologic diagnosis was pulmonary small cell carcinoma displaying positive reaction with thyroid transcription fac-tor-1 without cytokeratin-20 expression. It's extremely rare to encounter Merkel cell carcinoma coexisting with pulmonary small cell carcinoma. The current case has special importance due to being an extremely rare encountered tumor besides con-frming these markers' reliability in distinguishing Merkel cell carcinoma from pulmonary small cell carcinoma. © 2011 Association of Oncology Daha fazlası Daha az

Gastroprotective effects of CoQ10 on ethanol-induced acute gastric lesions

Karakaya K. | Barut F. | Hanci V. | Can M. | Comert M. | Ucan H.B. | Cakmak G.K.

Article | 2015 | Bratislava Medical Journal116 ( 1 ) , pp.51 - 56

Introduction: Alcohol consumption is frequently associated with gastric mucosal lesions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Coenzyme-Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation on the ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage in a rat model. Material and method: Sixty-four female wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 8 groups (n = 8). Studies were performed in ethanol induced gastric ulcer model in Wistar albino rats. Famotidine at a dose of 5 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg and CoQ10 at a single dose of 10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg for 7 days were administered as pretreatment. All the rats in study groups received 2 ml/kg ethanol . . . 95 % intragastrically, 30 minutes after pretreatment. Four hour after ethanol administration, all rats were sacrifi ced and their stomachs were removed under ketamin anaesthesia. Gastric protection was evaluated by measuring the ulcer index, MDA concentrations, and histopathological studies. Results and discussion: Rats pretreated either with famotidine or CoQ10 had signifi cantly diminished gastric mucosal damage which was assessed with gross and microscopic analysis (p < 0.00625). MDA levels were signifi cantly lower in famotidine 20 mg/kg and CoQ10 pretreatment for 7 days group (p < 0.00625). Conclusion: CoQ 10 affords gastroprotection against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats especially after repetitive administrations Daha fazlası Daha az

Oxidized low-density lipoproteins accumulate in rat lung after experimental lung edema induced by alpha- naphthylthiourea (ANTU)

Sipahi E.Y. | Ozel Tekin I. | Comert M. | Barut F. | Ustun H. | Sipahi T.H.

Article | 2004 | Pharmacological Research50 ( 6 ) , pp.585 - 591

Oxidation of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) results in the production of modified LDLs. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol plays a role on the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction. This study was designed to investigate the possible participation of the oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein in the lung edema induced by alpha-naphthylthiourea (ANTU), which is a well-known noxious chemical agent on the lung endothelium. When ANTU injected intraperitoneally into rats (15 mg kg-1), it produced lung edema as indicated by an increase in lung weight/body weight (LW/BW) ratio and pleural effusion (PE) reaching a maximum within 4 . . . h. A significant lung edema was observed 4 h after intraperitoneally injection of alpha-naphthylthiourea when compared with olive oil-injected control rats. On microscopic examination of alpha-naphthylthiourea-treated rats were shown to have severe lung injury, while no change was observed in olive oil-treated control rats. While there were no staining in control lungs, positive oxidized low-density lipoproteins immune-fluorescent staining were observed in lung edema group. Our study showed that oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) accumulated in ANTU-induced lung damage. This is the first study in which accumulation of oxLDL molecules in the intact lung tissue were shown by fluorescent immune-staining method in experimental lung edema. The potential role of oxLDL in this pathology are still under investigation. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved Daha fazlası Daha az

Pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells: A case report and review of the literature [Osteoklast benzeri dev hücreler içeren faringeal skuamöz hücreli karsinom: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi]

Kandemir N.O. | Bektaş S. | Yurdakan G. | Taş E.

Article | 2009 | Turk Onkoloji Dergisi24 ( 2 ) , pp.80 - 84

Benign osteoclast-like multinuclear giant cells are rarely found in tumors other than bone and soft tissue neoplasms, and they are even rarer in squamous cell carcinomas. We examined a nasopharyngeal tumor from a 52-year-old female who had undergone surgery one year earlier for hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathologically, in addition to tumor infiltration by atypical epithelial cells with squamoid differentiation, giant cells with 10-20 nuclei and a large amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm were seen infiltrating the tumor. The giant cells did not show atypia or mitosis. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells stained fo . . .r pan-keratin and epithelial membrane antigen, and the giant cells were positive for leukocyte common antigen, CD68, and Mac 387. This case was diagnosed as moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with multinuclear giant cells. In this case, the giant cells infiltrating the tumor were benign and of monocytic/histiocytic origin. Studies including large case series are needed to obtain reliable information on the clinical and prognostic importance of this histological feature Daha fazlası Daha az

Standart üçlü tedavi ile eradikasyon sağlanamayan Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunda lansoprazol, ranitidin bizmut sitrat, tetrasiklin ve metronidazolden oluşan dörtlü tedavinin etkinliği

Aydemir, Selim | Bayraktaroğlu, Taner | Üstündağ, Yücel | Borazan, Ali | Sekirmez, Nedret | Aktunç, Erol | Numanoğlu, Gamze

Article | 2004 | Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi3 ( 3 ) , pp.129 - 133

Giriş ve amaç: Standart üçlü tedavi ile Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradikasyonu sağlanmayan olgularda ikinci tedavi ile eradikasyon daha zordur. H. pylori eradikasyon başarısızlıklarında uygulanacak tedavi kombinasyonları kesin belirlenmemiştir. Bu çalışmada lansoprazol, amoksisilin ve klaritromisin (LAK) ile yapılan standart üçlü tedavi ile H. pylori eradikasyonu sağlanamayan olgularda lansoprazol, ranitidin bizmut sitrat, tetrasiklin ve metronidazolden (LBTM) oluşan dörtlü tedavinin etkinliğini araştırdık. Gereç ve yöntem: Peptik ülser hastalığı veya nonülser dispepsi nedeniyle standart üçlü LAK tedavisi verilen ve H. pylori . . .eradikasyonu sağlanamayan toplam 36 olgu çalışmaya alındı. Bu olgulara lansoprazol (2x30 mg), ranitidin bizmut sitrat (2x400 mg), tetrasiklin (4x500 mg) ve metronidazolden (3x500 mg) oluşan dörtlü tedavi 14 gün verildi. Tedavinin bitiminden iki ay sonra endoskopik biyopsi ile H. pylori eradikasyonu değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Olgulardan beşi tedavi bitiminde kontrole gelmediğinden çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Dörtlü tedavi ile H. pylori eradikasyon oranı çalışmaya alınan tüm olgular değerlendirildiğinde %58.3, çalışma sonunda kontrole gelen olgular değerlendirildiğinde ise %67.7 saptandı. Sonuç: Bölgemizde standart LAK tedavisi ile H. pylori eradikasyonu sağlanamayan olgularda LBMT dörtlü tedavi kombinasyonunun başarı oranını oldukça düşük bulduk. Bu durumun ülkemizdeki metronidazol direncinin yüksek seviyelerde olması ile açıklanabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. Ülkemizde farklı bölgelerde H. pylorinin antibiyotik direnç durumunu ve tedavi başarısızlığı sebeplerini değerlendiren araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Background/aim: Successful eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection after failure of standard triple therapy is difficult. There are no guidelines on second-line therapies for H. pylori eradication failures. In the present study we investigated the efficacy of a 14-day quadruple regimen combining lansoprazole, ranitidine bismuth citrate (RBC), tetracycline and metronidazole as rescue treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection after failure of standard triple therapy combining lansoprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin (LAC). Materials and methods: A prospective study was designed consisting 36 patients infected with H. pylori and diagnosed with peptic ulcer or non-ulcer dyspepsia in whom triple therapy with LAC had failed. The patients were treated with quadruple therapy including lansoprazole, 30 mg twice daily, RBC, 400 mg twice daily, tetracycline, 500 mg four times daily, and metronidazole, 500 mg three times daily, for 14 days. Two months after completion of therapy, endoscopic biopsy evaluation was performed to confirm eradication. Results: Five cases who did not attend to the appointment were excluded from the study. With quadruple therapy, the H. pylori eradication rates were 58.3% by intention-to-treat analysis and 67.7% by per protocol analysis. Conclusion: The success rate of quadruple therapy with LBTM was found to be low in patients in whom standard triple therapy had failed in western Blacksea region. This finding may be explained by higher rates of metronidasole resistance in our country. We conclude that further studies about the drug resistance rates and explanation of reasons for treatment failure must be carried out Daha fazlası Daha az

Recurrent partial hydatidiform mole

Barut A. | Arikan I. | Harma M. | Harma M.I. | Barut F. | Coskan A.

Article | 2011 | Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association61 ( 10 ) , pp.1016 - 1017

Hydatidiform moles are abnormal conceptions characterised by atypical hyperplastic trophoblasts and hydropic villi. Their incidence is approximately 1 in 1000 pregnancies. The recurrence risk of hydatidiform mole is approximately 1 in 60 in a subsequent pregnancy and 1 in 6.5 in the third pregnancy. In cases with recurrence, the majority of moles are of the same type as that in the preceding pregnancy. Here, we describe the case of a recurrent partial hydatidiform mole after an initial healthy pregnancy. Both pregnancies were evacuated by suction curettage, and the patient was followed by serial monitoring of ß-human chorionic gonad . . .otropin levels. Recurrent molar pregnancy is not an indication for chemotherapy, and subsequent pregnancies do not have an increased risk for other obstetric complications Daha fazlası Daha az

Effects of ethanol on intracorporeal structures of the rat

Yeşilli, Çetin | Mungan, Görkem | Seçkiner, İlker | Akduman, Bülent | Numanoğlu, Gamze | Mungan, Aydın

Article | 2006 | International Urology and Nephrology38 ( 1 ) , pp.129 - 132

Objective: Previous studies demonstrated that acute in vitro exposure of corpus cavernosal tissue to ethanol decreased its response to field stimulation and pharmacological stimulation. In the present study we investigated the effects of chronic ethanol consumption on the ultrastructure of cavernosal smooth muscle cells, elastic fibres and collagen content. Material and methods: Fourteen adult wistar rats were divided into a control group (n = 7, fed a standard diet and tap water) and an alcoholic group (n = 7, fed a standard diet and 5% (v/v) ethanol in drinking water and by increasing the ethanol concentration for every week, at t . . .he end of 6th week 30% (v/v) ethanol concentration was attained. Same dose was given until 12th week. At the end of 12th week blood samples were obtained and the ethanol concentrations were determined. The cavernosal tissues were obtained and immunohistochemical examinations were performed. Results: Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that chronic ethanol exposure markedly decreased the content of smooth muscle cells, elastic fibres and collagen type 4. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that in this animal model chronic ethanol exposure decreases the percentage of staining for smooth muscle actin, elastin, and collagen type 4 which are the key structures fundamental for erection. © Springer 2006 Daha fazlası Daha az

Coexistence of cervico-thoracic extradural en-plaque meningioma with multiple intracranial meningiomas

Kale A. | Akyol Ç. | Keskin E. | AydoğmuŞ E. | Ali Aydin H. | Barut F. | Gül Ş.

Article | 2014 | Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska48 ( 5 ) , pp.363 - 367

Meningioma is one of the most common tumors in the spinal cord. Extradural and en-plaque variety of meningioma occur less frequently. A 47-year-old woman is presented with radiculopathy signs. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a lesion from C6 through T3 vertebral levels compressing the cord both anteriorly and posteriorly. Subtotally excision was performed and histopathologic signs showed transitional type of meningioma (WHO Grade 1). Post operatively, she had good neurological recovery. Intraoperative findings point out that the en-plaque meningioma was pure extradural. Twelve cases of pure extradural en-plaque meningioma have b . . .een reported in the literature. Besides, to the best our knowledge coexistence of ‘‘en plaque’’ spinal epidural meningioma with meningiomas in cranial cavity has not been reported. Complete resection is mandatory to prevent recur- rence. Moreover, it is considerably difficult to remove the parts of tumor over anterior of the dura without complication. © 2014 Polish Neurological Society. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved Daha fazlası Daha az

Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes combined in thyroid papillary carcinoma [Tiroid papiller karsinomlarinda kronik lenfositik tiroidit ve tümörü infiltre eden lenfosit birlikteligi]

Onak Kandemir N. | Barut F. | Keser S. | Karadayi N. | Bektaş S. | Dogan Gün B. | Bahadir B.

Article | 2009 | Turk Onkoloji Dergisi24 ( 4 ) , pp.172 - 176

OBJECTIVES This study examined the frequency of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT) in thyroid papillary carcinomas (TPC) and the relationship between the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and CLT. METHODS The study included 61 TPC cases. In each case, the presence of the lymphocyte infiltration in the tumor tissue and non-neoplastic parenchyma was graded semi-quantitatively using a scale of 0 to 3. The cases were classified in two groups, TPC including CLT (Group I) and TPC not including CLT (Group II). RESULTS CLT was detected in 26.3% (Group I) of the TPCs and TIL was observed in 77% of the Group I cases; no lymp . . .hoid infiltration compatible with TIL was detected in Group II. A significant difference was observed in the TIL density between Groups I and II. CONCLUSION CLT is a frequent finding in TPC, and the presence of TIL is related to CLT. © 2009 Association of Oncology Daha fazlası Daha az

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