It is generally considered to be safer for the environment to repair a malfunctioning product for further reuse than to dispose of it and replace it with a newly manufactured product, unless the product is being replaced with a more energy efficient alternative. However, whereas United States has long been labelled a throwaway society', this paper presents the results of an international consumer survey which demonstrates that as other nations develop with respect to GDP per Capita (Gross Domestic Product per Capita), they too start transitioning into throwaway societies. This transition then calls into account of just how environme . . .ntally damaging this practice will become
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Yapılan araştırmalar, farklı uygulamalar yoluyla öğrencilerin göstermektedir. Oysa öğretmenler, sınıf ortamında bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz şekilde öğrencilerinin bazen bilişlerine bazen de üstbilişlerine yönelik uygulamalar yapmaktadır. Bununla birlikte literatürde öğretmenlerin problem çözme süreçlerindeki faaliyetlerini ortaya koyan gözlem formları olmakla birlikte, doğrudan öğretmenlerin problem çözme ortamlarındaki faaliyetlerini üstbiliş yönünde inceleyen gözlem formları yer almamaktadır. Bu çalışma ile öğretmenlerin öğrencilerinin üstbilişlerini harekete geçirebilmek için ne gibi davranışlar sergilediklerini belirlemeye yönelik . . .bir gözlem formunun geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada gözlem çizelgesinin geliştirilmesi sırasında uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda kuramsal formdan yararlanılmıştır. Kapsam geçerlik oranlarının belirlenmesi sürecinde ise Lawshe tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Pilot çalışma sonrasında gözlem çizelgesine eklenen bazı davranışlar nedeniyle gözlem çizelgesinin son halini elde etmek için Lawshe tekniğinin beşinci adımından başlayarak adımlar tekrarlanmıştır. Böylece gözlem çizelgesinin son halinde 15 uzman için a=0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde kapsam geçerlik oranlarının minimum değeri 0.49 olarak bulunmuştur.
metacognitions can be improved through different applications. consciously or unconsciously practicing their students' cognitions or metacognitions in the classroom. Although there are some observation forms that observe the activities of the teachers in the problem-solving environment, there are no observation charts that directly observe the activities of the teachers in the problemsolving process in terms of metacognition. In this study, it was aimed to develop an observation chart in order to determine the behaviors of teachers intended to promote students' metacognition in problem solving environments. In this study, the theoretical form was utilized in the direction of expert opinions during the development of the observation chart. Lawshe technique was used in determining the content validity rates. After the pilot study, the steps were repeated starting from the fifth step of the Lawshe technique to obtain the final version of the observation chart. As a result, the minimum value of content validity rates for 15 experts was found to be 0.49 at a significance level of a = 0.05 for the last version of the observation chart
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This research was prepared for the examination of group counseling program sessions based on systemic psychotherapy approach in terms of awareness of participant towards the separation individuation levels of the university students. The program was implemented to the students who voluntarily joined the groups in weekly sessions for ten weeks. Case study design was used for the research. Sessions were examined deeply. Qualitative findings obtained by analyzing the program were divided into four groups under the headings of separation anxiety, rejection expectancy, restriction anxiety and gains of the group members towards the sessio . . .ns. Under the theme of separation anxiety eight sub-themes containing need for approval, begrudge / compatible to be a good boy, taking the role of parents / over take responsibility, too rigid or overly permeable borders, intermingling of feelings and thoughts / nesting of the relationship, dependency / enter to control of others, to be included in the triangle and not to take responsibility were obtained. Six sub-themes were obtained under the theme of rejection expectancy containing afraid of making mistakes, distrust offing themselves and others, feeling worthless, not to say no, exclusion, self-blame and feeling guilty. Three sub-themes was obtained under the theme of restriction anxiety including withdrawal/remain unresponsive, conflict and cutting off emotional relationship. Also group members' awareness and gains were presented descriptively. This program would be helpful for the psychological counselors who work with individuals or families for the separation and individuation of their clients from their parents
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Energy mode functions and their inverse signal dynamics can be used for the design of controllers in classical control algorithms, which use the error signals of related system parameters in general mode. Different from this common approach, Lyapunov function-based controller design is preferred and motor mechanical speed parameter is incorporated into the control operation in this study. The results of the experimental studies conducted for this study prove that when both electrical and mechanical parameters of the system are taken into consideration, the proposed controller, nonlinear speed controller supported by direct torque co . . .ntroller and space vector modulation, performs better than classical controllers and can be realized successfully
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6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında yükümlülüklerimiz ve çerez politikamız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için alttaki bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz.