Çetın E. | Devecı M.A. | Songür M. | Özer H. | Turanli S.
Article | 2017 | Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences47 ( 2 ) , pp.587 - 591
Background/aim: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency results in several kinematic changes in the lower extremities. The aim of this study is to define the plantar pressure parameters in ACL-deficient patients and to show the effect of ACL reconstruction on dynamic plantar pressure. Materials and methods: Forty patients with unilateral ACL rupture and 40 healthy controls were included in this study. Dynamic plantar pressures of both groups were recorded by the EMED SF-2 system during level walking. Thirteen of the patients who had ACL reconstructions with hamstring autografts (HS group) were reevaluated at an average of 14.5 m . . .onths following the ACL reconstructions. Results: ACL-deficient patients had significantly lower hindfoot (P = 0.007) but higher midfoot pressure values (P = 0.03) on their ipsilateral foot compared to control group subjects. Ipsilateral hindfoot pressures were also found to be significantly lower than those of the contralateral foot (P = 0.001). Hindfoot pressure values of the HS group were increased in postoperative measurements (P = 0.01). Conclusion: ACL-deficient patients have altered plantar pressure distributions and ACL reconstructions restore these changes to normal. Pedobarography might be used as a practical method for dynamic functional assessment of ACL-deficient patients. © TÜBİTAK Daha fazlası Daha az