Objectives: In this study, we aimed to retrospectively assess the correlation of pseudocholinesterase (PChE) levels with age, gender, body weight and diagnosed psychiatric diseases in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) cases. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at Bülent Ecevit University Hospital, Zonguldak, Turkey, between 2007 and 2011. In the study, 193 ECT case files were retrospectively scanned to evaluate PChE values before ECT and other file information. Results: There was no difference between gender in terms of PChE levels. Correlation analysis determined a weakly positive correlation between age (p=0.013; correla . . .tion coefficient [cc]: 0.178) and body weight (
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of propofol and propofol-alfentanil combination used in Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on duration of convulsion, hemodynamic responses cardiovascular system and recovery characteristics. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, and electrocardiogram were monitored during the ECT procedure. Patients were randomized into two groups (Group I: propofol, n:16, Group II: propofol+alfentanil, n:16). After premedication with atropine, the G I received propofol 0.75 mg kg-1 and the G II received propofol 0.50 mg kg-1 and alfentanil 20, µg kg-1 Additional propofo . . .l was given as needed in 0.1 mg kg-1 increments until loss of consciousness. Suxamethonium 1.0 mg kg-1 IV was given for muscular paralysis. The electrical stimulus was administered immediately after resolution of fasciculations. Mean motor convulsion duration were longer with propofol-alfentanil than with propofol. Hemodynamic responses and recovery characteristics were similar for the two groups. We concluded that the combination of propofol with alfentanil is a better combination for ECT
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