Nannospalax is a genus of blind rodents adapted to living in underground. The species have numerous chromosomal forms in Turkey, and their taxonomic position is still unknown. In this study, 15 mole rats of four different 2n = 50 forms were used; C- and G- banding processes were applied; and a comparison was made accordingly. Karyological results showed that the 2n = 50S form is a new form for Turkish blind mole rats. 2n = 50S form is determined from Andirin (Kahramanmaras) and has NF = 70. The 2n = 50W form, on the other hand, differs from the others with NF = 74 form. C-banding results showed that heterochromatin blocks of all 2n . . .= 50 are different, while only the 2n = 50W form has telomeric heterochromatin blocks. G-banding results, however, displayed homologies and differences among the chromosomal forms. After comparison, we determined that Robertsonian fusion is an efficient force on chromosomal evolution in blind mole rats in Turkey, and that telomeric heterochromatin is a distinctive character for the 2n = 50W form. We suggest that the chromosomal changing mechanism should be independent from climatic peculiarities. These results support the theory that ancestral karyotype should have the largest distribution in a chromosomally variable species
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This paper discusses the only substantive evidence for the Epipalaeolithic of central Anatolia. This evidence allows revised understandings of phenomena often proposed as characteristic of the Epipalaeolithic of South-west Asia including the appearance of sedentism, a putative Broad Spectrum Revolution, intensive plant exploitation and the emergence of distinctive ritual and symbolic practices. It also allows further evaluation of the effect of Late Glacial climate change on human behaviours.
We described the genetic variation of cytochrome b gene sequences of blind mole rats in Turkey. We examined 47 individuals belonging to nine cytotypes of three superspecies Nannospalax leucodon, N. xanthodon and N. ehrenbergi in the 402bp gene sequence of cytochrome b. Phylogenetic analyses showed that relationships between cytotypes were well supported, but deeper divergence between species showed insignificant relationships. Cytotypes of N. xanthodon with low diploid number of chromosomes from western Turkey formed a monophyletic group distinct from the populations with higher number of chromosomes (2n = 56-60). The monophyly of N . . .. xanthodon was supported with respect to N. leucodon (2n = 56) in the Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenies. The divergence between two analyzed cytotypes of N. ehrenbergi (2n = 52, 2n = 56) was 9.4 %, and the Kilis cytotype (2n = 52) appeared as the basal branch of the whole analysed dataset. N. ehrenbergi cytotypes were paraphyletic and they formed unsupported relationships with previously described N. galili (2n = 52), N. golani (2n = 54), N. carmeli (2n = 58) and N. judaei (2n = 60) from Israel. The results of this study showed that the Nannospalax species complex most likely represents more species than currently recognized, especially in N. xanthodon. We suggest that cytotypes of N. xanthodon and N. ehrenbergi from Turkey should be investigated in detail as possible candidates for being separate species
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Primitive mankind accepted the living and unliving creatures around him as drinking, breathing and living creatures like himself and didn't separate himself from these creatures so that sometimes had relative relations with the animals. When these relations gained a profitable dimension, beliefs and legends occurred. The deer is one of the chief animals about which Turks formed beliefs and legends. In that case, Turks didn't also cut their relation with deer in every different period they lived; they adapted deer to their new conditions. In this article, deer which appears as derivation element hunting animal, guide, is going to be . . .evaluated with the help of examples
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This paper discusses the only substantive evidence for the Epipalaeolithic of central Anatolia. This evidence allows revised understandings of phenomena often proposed as characteristic of the Epipalaeolithic of South-west Asia including the appearance of sedentism, a putative Broad Spectrum Revolution, intensive plant exploitation and the emergence of distinctive ritual and symbolic practices. It also allows further evaluation of the effect of Late Glacial climate change on human behaviours.
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