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Nonlinear speed controller supported by direct torque control algorithm and space vector modulation for induction motors in electrical vehicles

Aliskan I. | Gulez K. | Tuna G. | Mumcu T.V. | Altun Y.

Article | 2013 | Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika19 ( 6 ) , pp.41 - 46

Energy mode functions and their inverse signal dynamics can be used for the design of controllers in classical control algorithms, which use the error signals of related system parameters in general mode. Different from this common approach, Lyapunov function-based controller design is preferred and motor mechanical speed parameter is incorporated into the control operation in this study. The results of the experimental studies conducted for this study prove that when both electrical and mechanical parameters of the system are taken into consideration, the proposed controller, nonlinear speed controller supported by direct torque co . . .ntroller and space vector modulation, performs better than classical controllers and can be realized successfully Daha fazlası Daha az

A timelike Cauchy problem and an inverse problem for general hyperbolic equations

Amirov A. | Yamamoto M.

Article | 2008 | Applied Mathematics Letters21 ( 9 ) , pp.885 - 891

We prove a Carleman estimate for hyperbolic equations with variable principal parts and present applications to the unique continuation and an inverse problem. Our Carleman estimate covers cases which the existing Carleman estimates do not treat. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

İki fazlı akımda direnç katsayısı ilişkilerinin karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmesi

Kaleli, Ayla

Article | 1997 | Mühendis ve Makina38 ( 455 ) , pp.34 - 36

Katıların borularla hidrolik taşınımında, kritik hızın belirlenmesi pratikte oldukça önemlidir. Kritik hızın belirlenmesi için, direnç katsayısının $(C_D)$ bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, $C_D$'nin hesaplanabilmesi için denklemler önerilmektedir. Bu denklemlerden bulunan $C_D$ değerleri ile, literatürdeki denklemlerden hesaplanan $C_D$ değerleri mukayese edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, önerilen denklemler diğer denklemlerden daha iyi netice vermektedir ve Reynolds sayısının daha geniş aralığını kapsamaktadır. Determination of the critical velocity is quite important in hyraulic transportation of solids with pipes. Value of drag coe . . .fficient $C_D$ is required for determination of the critical velocity. In this study, a set of equations have been suggested for calculation of $C_D$. The $C_D$ values obtained from these equations have been compared to those obtained from the equations given in the literature. It has been demostrated that the proposed equations give better results than the other equations and cover a larger range of Reynolds number Daha fazlası Daha az

Para Politikası Araçlarının Etkinliği Perspektifininden Türkiye'de Zorunlu Karşılıkların GSYİH ve Yatırımlar Üzerindeki Etkileri: 1987-2004 Dönemine İlişkin Ekonometrik Analiz

Barışık, Salih | Çetintaş, Hakan

Article | 2008 | Akdeniz İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi8 ( 16 ) , pp.116 - 138

Zorunlu karşılık oranı, para politikasının en etkin araçlarından biridir. Zorunlu karşılık oranlarındaki değişikliklerin etkisine makroekonomik perspektiften bakıldığında bankacılık kesiminden daha çok büyümeye etkisi daha dikkat çekicidir. 1987-2004 dönemini kapsayan ve zaman serilerini kullandığımız ekonometrik çalışmada, Türkiye’de ilk kez zorunlu karşılık oranlarındaki değişmeler ile büyüme ve yatırımlar arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonuçlarına göre, zorunlu karşılık oranlarındaki değişme ile büyüme ve yatırımlar arasında kısa dönemde istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur. Bununla birlikte uzun dönem . . .de, zorunlu karşılık oranlarındaki değişme ile büyüme ve yatırımlar arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Uzun dönemde IMKB kazançları ile büyüme arasında anlamlı, yatırımlar ile anlamsız bir ilişki gözlenmiştir. Reserve requirement ratio is one of the most effective monetary policy tools. Changes in reserve requirement ratio, when viewed from a macroeconomic perspective, may have more striking effects on economic growth than banking sector. In our econometric study which covers the period between 1987 and 2004, we analyzed the relationship between the reserve requirement ratio changes and the economic growth and investments in Turkey. As a result of our analysis, we did not find a statistically significant relationship between the reserve requirement ratio changes, and the economic growth and investments in the short run. However, our results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between the changes in reserve requirement ratio and investments in the long-run. We also observed a significant relationship between stock returns and growth while we can not empirically find a relationship between stock returns and investments Daha fazlası Daha az

Some properties of particleboards made from cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsitum L.)

Guler C. | Ozen R.

Article | 2004 | Holz als Roh - und Werkstoff62 ( 1 ) , pp.40 - 43

The objective of this study was to produce particleboards for general purpose use by utilizing cotton stalks grown in Turkey. The shortage of raw materials in the wood industry resulted in the search for new resources. This is especially true for the particleboard industry in Turkey. It is necessary to find alternative sources of raw material in order to reduce deforestation. Cotton stalks as a cheap raw material compared to woody sources can be used to produce the particleboards that can meet with the required standards. In this study, water absorption, thickness swelling, bending strength, and internal bond properties of particleb . . .oards produced with cotton stalks at various resin addition levels and density ranges were studied. It was found that the particleboards produced at a 0.60-0.70 g/cm3 density range showed technological properties acceptable to the standards. © Springer-Verlag 2003 Daha fazlası Daha az

Coal grindability before and after coal cleaning and a new approach considering differentiation of proximate analysis data and total sulfur

Yilmaz S.

Article | 2019 | International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization , pp.40 - 43

In this study, a total of 26 samples (17 from Zonguldak and 9 from Amasra) were collected. In order to correctly understand the effect of coal cleaning process on grindability, samples were cleaned at 1.60 g/cm 3 ZnCl 2 solution and float samples were collected. Before and after this cleaning process, Hardgrove grindability indexes (HGI) of each coal samples (original and clean) were determined. Ash percentages show a decreasing trend by float and sink test for all samples studied as this was aimed and expected, while HGI showed an increase for Zonguldak coals and decrease for Amasra coals. However, total sulfur percentage decreases . . . for Zonguldak coals and either increases or decreases for Amasra coals, and change in total sulfur has the most significant role in terms of HGI change. Taking abovementioned variations into consideration, new approaches were proposed to predict HGI after cleaning. Proposed methods of HGI after cleaning yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.88, 0.82, and 0.86 (R 2  = 0.88, R 2  = 0.82, and R 2  = 0.86) respectively for first, second, and third methods, which can be regarded as highly significant. With these approaches, one can easily understand the effect of cleaning process on grindability. In addition, easiness in coal grindability with correct understanding of parameter contribution would be achieved. © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Daha fazlası Daha az

The importance of examining antinuclear antibody (ANA) in neurological diseases [Nörolojik hastaliklarda antinükleer antikor (ana) incelemesinin önemi]

Barut B.O. | Emre U. | Demir A.S. | Ünal A. | Tekin I.

Article | 2013 | Nobel Medicus9 ( 2 ) , pp.74 - 78

Objective: In neurological clinical practice screening test for ANA (Anti-nuclear antibody) is helpful in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases which have neurological involvement. ANA investigation tests might be positive both in connective tissue disorders with neurological symptoms, such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogren's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and also in neurological diseases in the which autoimmune system is responsible such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Myastenia Gravis. In addition drug usage and older age are the factors which might cause positive results in ANA screening tests. In this study we aimed to inve . . .stigate the neurological diseases which are associated with postive ANA tests and to understand the efficiency of this screening test in neurological practice. Material and Method: The patients who were followed up in neurology outpatient clinic with positive ANA test were investigated. The medical records of 309 patients with positive ANA results were evaluated. The most common neurological diseases with positive ANA and ANA patterns were determined. Results: The patients who were thought to be demyelinating disease had the highest number of positive ANA results. However, positive ANA results were also found with different and non specific neurological symptoms. Conclusion: As a result of the diagnosis of neurological diseases, positive ANA results might be beneficial in patients with supportive medical history and laboratory findings Daha fazlası Daha az

Effects of cultural treatments, seedling type and morphological characteristics on survival and growth of wild cherry seedlings in Turkey

Esen, Derya | Yildiz, Oktay | Esen, Ulvi | Edis, Semih | Cetintas, Cengiz

Article | 2012 | IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY5 , pp.283 - 289

Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is receiving increasing attention from foresters in Europe and Turkey for its fast growth, highly-valued wood and benefits for wildlife and biodiversity. Little documentation may be found concerning the selection of appropriate cultural treatments and the quality and types of seedlings used for wild cherry plantations. This study reports the effects of various combinations of intensive cultural treatments (including weed control, soil tillage, and fertilization) and seedling types on early growth, survival, and nutrition of one-year-old wild cherry seedlings out-planted on four different sites in the we . . .stern Black Sea Region of Turkey. After two years, early seedling survival and growth were clearly enhanced for potted seedlings. For bare-root seedlings, initial seedling root-collar diameter and height successfully correlated with survival two years after planting. Seedlings with a root-collar diameter of 6-8 mm and height of 60-70 cm demonstrated the best survival rates in the field. The wild cherry seedlings were shown to be highly sensitive to herbaceous weed competition early in their establishment, warranting effective weed control. When used in addition to weed control, neither intensive fertilization nor soil tillage treatments significantly increased seedling survival and growth two years after planting. Therefore, intensive site preparation, as well as fertilization, are not recommended at this stage for planting sites without severe nutrient deficiencies Daha fazlası Daha az

Effects of boron compounds on the bonding strength of phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde adhesives to impregnated wood materials

Oezcifci, Ayhan

Article | 2006 | JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY20 ( 10 ) , pp.1147 - 1153

Wood materials are increasingly being used in the construction of structural beams, sports equipment, etc. This study was carried out to determine the bonding strength of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) and melamine-formaldehyde (MF) adhesives to impregnated wood materials. For this purpose, brutia pine (Pinus brutia Ten) and elm (Ulmus compestris L.) woods were impregnated with borax (Bx), boric acid (Ba), Bx + Ba (wt:wt 50:50%), di-ammonium phosphate (D), [D + (Bx + Ba)]/ (50 + (25 + 25%), w/w) and Tanalith-C 3310 (T-C 3310) using the vacuum method according to ASTM-D 1413-76. The effects of wood species, impregnating material and type o . . .f adhesive on the bonding strength were determined. The highest shear strength (11.09 N/mm(2)) was obtained from elm wood control (i.e., without any impregnating materials) samples with MF; thus, the impregnation process negatively affected the adhesive bonding strength. Impregnating materials, especially those containing oily or similar solutions such as T-C 3310, are not advised for wood elements which are subjected to shear Daha fazlası Daha az

A nonlinear model for amplifiers with memory

Yuzer A.H. | Demir S.

Conference Object | 2010 | 2010 10th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2010 , pp.277 - 280

In this study an improved behavioral modeling including even order terms is proposed to model asymmetric IMD components observed in the multi-tone excitation of nonlinear amplifiers. Only odd order model (OOM) and even order introduced model (EOM), proposed model, are constructed and compared for a sample amplifier. It is showed that introducing even order term is improved the model validity range and accuracy in addition to the decrease model polinomial order. © 2010 IEEE.

Investigation of excitation functions of proton-induced reactions on94;96;98;100Motargets for production of radioisotopes94m;94g;96m;96g;96;99mTc

Artun, Ozan | Aytekin, Hüseyin

Article | 2017 | Turkish Journal of Physics41 ( 4 ) , pp.295 - 302

In this work, we investigated the excitation functions of proton-induced reactions on even{even94100Moisotopes for the production of medical radioisotopes94m;94g;96m;96g;96;99mTc. To obtain the excitation functions wecarried out cross-section calculations in the frameworks of the generalized super uid model, microscopic level densitymodel, and three options of the preequilibrium process in the Talys code. The aim of this study was to introduce a newaspect for the production of radioisotopes94m;94g;96m;96g;96;99mTc with different models. In this work, we investigated the excitation functions of proton-induced reactions on even{even94 . . .100Moisotopes for the production of medical radioisotopes94m;94g;96m;96g;96;99mTc. To obtain the excitation functions wecarried out cross-section calculations in the frameworks of the generalized super uid model, microscopic level densitymodel, and three options of the preequilibrium process in the Talys code. The aim of this study was to introduce a newaspect for the production of radioisotopes94m;94g;96m;96g;96;99mTc with different models Daha fazlası Daha az

Exploring the complexity of teaching: the interaction between teacher self-regulation and pedagogical content knowledge

Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Esen | Demirdogen, Betul | Akin, Fatma Nur | Tarkin, Aysegul | Aydin-Gunbatar, Sevgi

Article | 2017 | CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE18 ( 1 ) , pp.250 - 270

This study combined two important frameworks-teacher self-regulation and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)-to reveal whether they were related to each other. To fulfill this aim, researchers utilized a case-study design. Data were collected from five preservice chemistry teachers through semi-structured interviews, lesson plans in the form of content representations, and video recordings of teaching practice. Both deductive and inductive analyses were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that preservice teachers utilized different PCK components in each self-regulation phase. They were good at regulating their teaching when . . . they had developed PCK components. Especially, a lack of subject matter knowledge accounted for ineffective self-regulation in teaching. The findings of this study imply that teacher education programs should provide meaningful opportunities to preservice teachers for improving both their self-regulation for teaching and PCK Daha fazlası Daha az

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