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Fetal rubella sendromu: Tanıdaki zorluklar

Tanrıverdi, H. Alper | Sade, Hakan | Barut, Aykut

Article | 2004 | ARTEMİS5 ( 1 ) , pp.63 - 65

Fetal rubella sendromu konjenital bir enfeksiyondur. Fetal enfeksiyon virüsünün transplasental geçişiyle oluşmaktad›r. Enfeksiyonun sıklığı ve şiddeti değişkenlik göstermekle birlikte mental retardasyon, konjenital katarakt, kalp defektleri ile karakterizedir. Üreme çağındaki kadınların yaklaşık %75-85'inin seropozitif olduğu belirtilmektedir. Maternal kanda IgM seropozitifliği saptanması durumunda, maternal kanda IgG aviditesinin bakılması tanıda yardımcı incelemelerdir. Fetal enfeksiyonun tanısı için kordosentezle 21. gebelik haftasından sonra fetal kanda rubella antikorlarının taranması gereklidir. Ancak, fetal kanda negatif IgM . . .fetal enfeksiyonu tamamen dışlamamaktadır. Gebeliğin ilk 12 haftasında enfeksiyonun fetüse bulaşma oranı (%90) ve anomali riski çok yüksektir ve gebeliği sonlandırma endikasyonu bulunmaktadır. Gebeliğin 12.-16. haftaları arasında fetusun etkilenme olasılığı %35-50 seviyesindedir ve prenatal tanı endikasyonu bulunmaktadır. Eğer fetal enfeksiyon saptanırsa riskler aileye anlatılmalı ve istekleri doğrultusunda gebeliğin sonlandırılabileceği belirtilmelidir. Kliniğimize rutin gebelik kontrolü amacıyla gelen G:1 P:0 olan 22 yaşındaki hastanın transvajinal sonografisinde 8 hafta 4 günlük, canlı bir embryo saptandı. Rutin incelemelerinde TORCH enfeksiyon parametrelerinden rubella IgM ve rubella IgG pozitifliği saptanmıştır. Aktif rubella enfeksiyonunun doğrulanması amacıyla başka bir laboratuvardan da rubella antikorları istendi. Başka bir laboratuvarda IgM negatif, rubella IgG pozitif ve rubella IgG aviditesinin %84 olması üzerine hasta durumla ilgili bilgilendirildi. Hastanın isteği ile gebeliğin devam edilmesine karar verildi. Gebeliğin rutin izlenmesinde herhangi bir anormallik gelişmeyen hasta sağlıklı bir bebek doğurmuştur. iki aylık olan bebekte neonatal dönemde herhangi bir problem oluşmadı. Bu olgu sunumunda rubella taramasının gebelikteki önemi ve laboratuvar tetkiklerinde karşılaşılabilecek çelişkili sonuçlar tartışılmıştır. Fetal rubella syndrome is a congenital infection. The infection is spread via transplasental viral dissemination. The syndrome has a wide spectrum of clinical complications but mental retardation, congenital cataract and cardiac defects are the most characteristic ones. It is known that 75-80% of women in the reproductive ages are seropositive for rubella virus. If maternal blood shows seropostivity for Anti-rubella IgM, IgG avidity should be checked as an additive diagnostic tool. For determining fetal infection, rubella anticors should be looked for in cordocentesis blood after 21 weeks of gestation. An infection in the first 12 weeks of gestation has a very high (90%) fetal infection risk and will be an indication for termination of pregnancy. After 12 weeks of gestation the fetal rate is still very high (35-50%) and prenatal diagnostic tests should be planned. When a fetal infection is detected the parents should be counselled for the potential risks. Here we report a case (age, 22 years, Gravida 1, Para 0), who was diagnosed to have Anti-rubella IgG ang IgM seropositivity in the 9th week of gestation. In the confirmation tests for rubella infection -which were perfomed in another laboratory- Anti rubella IgG and IgM were negative, and rubella IgG avidity was in normal ranges (84%). After counselling the patient, she decided to continue her pregnancy. She gave birth to a healthy newborn, who is 2 months of age. The neonatal period was uneventful. The importance of rubella screening in pregnancy is discussed and challenges in the diagnosis and laboratory tests of rubella infection during pregnancy are presented Daha fazlası Daha az

An unusual movement of the tongue [18]

Cinar F. | Uzun L. | Ugur M.B. | Agaoglu H.

Letter | 2004 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery113 ( 2 ) , pp.773 - 774

[No abstract available]

Experience with vaginoplasty

Tosun Z. | Hoşnuter M. | Savaci N. | Çapar M. | Şentürk S.

Article | 2004 | Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery38 ( 1 ) , pp.27 - 31

We did 27 vaginoplasties (7 gracilis musculocutaneous flaps, 8 pudendal thigh flaps, 12 full-thickness skin grafts) during the period 1994-2000. The preoperative assessment and postoperative follow up were done in collaboration with the gynaecologists. All patients had vaginal agenesis. With the gracilis flaps we found it difficult to achieve an adequate blood supply. With pudendal thigh flaps we achieved perfect innervation and a good contour, but they did tend to be hairy. With full-thickness skin grafts the innervation was not perfect, but the contour was good. Having compared the three operations during a follow up period rangin . . .g from 1-5 years we think that the full-thickness skin graft gives the best results Daha fazlası Daha az

The effects of impregnation chemicals oncombustion properties of laminated wood material

Uysal, B | Ozcifci, A

Article | 2004 | COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY176 ( 1 ) , pp.117 - 133

In this study, the effects of impregnation materials, sodium perborate, sodium tetraborate, Imersol-WR 2000, and Tanalith-CBC, on combustion properties of three-ply laminated wood material produced from Uludag fir ( Abies bornmulleriana Mattf ) were investigated. The wood samples were impregnated with chemicals via a dipping method. Prepared materials have been bonded with Desmodur-VTKA adhesive and tested according to the procedure of ASTM-E 69 standards. As a result, the highest mass reduction in massive wood samples impregnated with Tanalith-CBC were determined. CO and CO2 ratios were obtained in massive control samples, which we . . .re unprocessed. Temperature variation in laminated samples impregnated with Tanalith-CBC, O-2 ratio in massive wood samples impregnated with sodium tetraborate, and ash ratio in laminated samples impregnated with sodium perborate were obtained Daha fazlası Daha az

Late recurrent bleeding after surgical treatment for pituitary apoplexy

Açikgöz B. | Çagavi F. | Tekkök I.H.

Article | 2004 | Journal of Clinical Neuroscience11 ( 5 ) , pp.555 - 559

Pituitary apoplexy is an uncommon syndrome characterised by sudden onset of headache, meningeal signs, visual disturbances, ophthalmoplegia and confusion. Documented recurrent apoplexy or treated apoplexy is even rarer with only few reports in the literature. Between 1994 and 2001, 18 patients were treated for pituitary apoplexy at Bayindir Medical Centre through transsphenoidal route. In all, topical bromocriptine was applied after tumour resection as described by Ozgen. We hereby present the cases of two patients with recurrent apoplexy 3 and 7 years after the initial surgical treatment for pituitary adenoma with apoplexy. The pat . . .ients were treated non-surgically with success. Additional treatment in the form of radiosurgery was found necessary for the first patient. Surgical excision of the pituitary tumours with apoplexy reduces the risk of recurrent bleedings but eradication is not a rule. These patients need to be followed closely in the postoperative period for possible recurrence of bleeding. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved Daha fazlası Daha az

Chloro[(N,N-dimethylamino)methylphenyl-?2C 2,N](triphenylstibine)palladium(II)

Mentes A. | Büyükgüngör O.

Article | 2004 | Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online60 ( 5 ) , pp.555 - 559

The molecular structure of the title compound, [PdaCl(C9H 12N)(C18H15Sb)], obtained by reaction of [Pd(dmba)(µ-Cl)]2 [dmba = N(CH3)2CH 2C6H5] with triphenylstibine in dichloromethane, shows a slightly distorted square planar geometry about Pd, which is bonded to C, N, Cl and Sb atoms. © 2004 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Great Britain - all rights reserved.

Invasive fungal sinusitis [1]

Kargi S. | Kargi A.E. | Akduman D. | Hanioglu S.S.

Letter | 2004 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery113 ( 3 ) , pp.1067 - 1069

[No abstract available]

Comparison of the effects of desflurane and sevoflurane on intraocular pressure during gynecological laparoscopy [JinekolojEik laparoskopide desfluran ve sevofluranin göziçi basinca etkilerinin karşilaştirilmasi]

Altunkaya H. | Özer Y. | Özkoçak I. | Demirel C.B. | Kargi Ş. | Kaya E.

Article | 2004 | Anestezi Dergisi12 ( 3 ) , pp.197 - 200

In this study, the effects of desflurane and sevoflurane on intraocular pressure during gynecological laparoscopic surgery were investigated. Thirty subjects in ASA risk groups I and II undergoing elective gynecological CO2 insufflation laparoscopy were included. In both groups, anesthesia was induced with 2 µg kg-1 fentanyl and 2 mg kg-1 propofol. For the maintenance of anesthesia; 1 MAC Desflurane in Group D and 1 MAC Sevoflurane in Group S and 33% O2 - 66%N2O in 4 L min fresh gas flow was administered. In all the subjects, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured at the following time points . . .: before the induction o anesthesia (baseline) (Z1), after induction and before intubation (Z2), 1 min after intubation (Z3), 10 min after intubation (Z4), after pneumoperitoneum (Z5), during 20 degrees of head down position (Z6), after the extubation (Z7) and in the recovery room, 15 min after tracheal extubation (Z8) Intraocular pressure significantly decreased after induction (Z2) and at 10th min after intubation (Z4), and significantly increased after extubation (Z7) in both groups when compared with Z1 (p<0.001). Although IOP measurements during pneumoperitoneum (Z5) and head down position (Z6) were significantly higher than the 10th postintubation min (Z4), they never exceeded the preinduction levels. IOP measurements in Group D at first min after intubation (Z3) was significantly higher than corresponding measurements in Group S (p<0.05). In conclusion, sevoflurane reduced IOP in the early postintubation period when compared with desflurane and IOP did not increase above the preinduction values during pneumoperitoneum, head down position but IOP was significantly higher during extubation period in both sevoflurane and desflurane groups Daha fazlası Daha az

Withdrawal capacity of pinned and unpinned round mortise and tenon furniture joints

Eckelman C. | Haviarova E. | Tankut A. | Denizli N. | Akcay H. | Erdil Y.

Article | 2004 | Forest Products Journal54 ( 12 ) , pp.185 - 191

Tests were conducted to determine the withdrawal capacity of cross-pinned round mortise and tenon joints. Tenon diameters ranged from a nominal 0.6 to 1. 0 inches. Cross-pins were about one-half the diameter of the tenons. Both wood and steel cross-pins were included. Glued but unpinned joints were included to provide a basis of comparison. Joints with wood cross-pins developed about one-third the capacity of comparable glued but unpinned tenons; joints with steel cross-pins developed over one-half the capacity. Offsetting the cross-pins toward the root of the tenon increased withdrawal capacity, whereas offsetting the cross-pin tow . . .ard the tip of the tenon decreased capacity. Shrink-fit techniques were found to provide a simple means of producing uniformly tight fitting joints. Shrink-fit joints produce significant levels of withdrawal capacity but likely should not be used alone without adhesives or cross-pins Daha fazlası Daha az

Accuracy analysis, dem generation and validation using Russian tk-350 stereo-images

Büyüksalih G. | Koçak G. | Oruc M. | Akçin H. | Jacobsen K.

Article | 2004 | Photogrammetric Record19 ( 107 ) , pp.200 - 218

TK-350 stereo-scenes of the Zonguldak testfield in the north-west of Turkey have been analysed. The imagery had a base-to-height ratio of 0-52 and covered an area of 200 km × 300 km, with each pixel representing 10 m on the ground. Control points digitised from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps were used in the test. A bundle orientation was executed using the University of Hanover program BLUH and PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine AE software packages. Tests revealed that TK-350 stereo-images can yield 3D geopositioning to an accuracy of about 10 m in planimetry and 17 m in height. A 40 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was generate . . .d by the PCI system and compared against a reference DEM, which was derived from digitised contour lines provided by 1:25 000 scale topographic maps. This comparison showed that accuracy depends mainly on the surface structure and the slope of the local terrain. Root mean square errors in height were found to be about 27 and 39 m outside and inside forested areas, respectively. The matched DEM demonstrated a systematic shift against the reference DEM visible as an asymmetric shift in the frequency distribution. This is perhaps caused by the presence of vegetation and buildings. © 2004 The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society and Blackwell Publishing Ltd Daha fazlası Daha az

Orbital hydatid disease: A case report

Köksal M. | Ünal M. | Gürelik G. | Bir F.

Article | 2004 | Annals of Ophthalmology36 ( 1 ) , pp.40 - 43

Orbital hydatid cysts are a rare cause of proptosis and comprise only 1% of all hydatid cysts. We report a 13-year-old boy with orbital hydatid cyst and investigate radiologic, ultrasonographic and clinical aspects of the disease. The cyst was excised totally without rupture through a lateral orbitotomy approach. Hydatid cyst is endemic in some countries and sporadic cases are seen with increasing international travel.

Endovascular coil embolization with balloon remodelling technique after partially clipped ica aneurysm (case report) [Parsiyel klipslenmiş ika anevrizmasinin balon modelleme teknigi ile endovasküler koil embolizasyonu.]

Ozdemir H. | Cekirge S. | Kalayci M. | Cagavi F.

Article | 2004 | Tanisal ve girişimsel radyoloji : Tibbi Görüntüleme ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Dernegi yayin organi10 ( 4 ) , pp.320 - 322

The presence of aneurysm remnant after incomplete or unsuccessful surgical clipping is associated with persistent risk of regrowth and rupture, and additional treatment is generally recommended. Advances in aneurysm coiling techniques and technology have allowed for more remnants to be treated safely. We present a 47-year-old woman with residual internal carotid artery aneurysm after surgical clipping with coils and balloon remodeling technique.

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